IET Smart Technology & Green Energy

The Smart Grid is the modernization of the electricity delivery system. A smart grid differs from the traditional grid in that it allows two-way communication of electricity data, rather than a one way flow. Smart grids enable real time data collection concerning electricity supply and demand during the transmission and distribution process, making monitoring, generation, consumption and maintenance more efficient.

Products 1-12 of 17

IET Guide to Smart Homes for Electrical Installers
£60.50 (No VAT Payable)
IET Code of Practice for Cyber Security in the Built Environment
IET Recommendations For Low Energy Street Lighting
£82.50 (No VAT Payable)
IET Code of Practice for Low and Extra Low Voltage Direct Current Power Distribution in Buildings
IET Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grids
£121.00 (No VAT Payable)
IET Introduction to the Smart Grid
£110.00 (No VAT Payable)
IET Communication, Control and Security Challenges for the Smart Grid
IET Power Line Communication Systems for Smart Grids
£130.00 (No VAT Payable)
IET ICT for Electric Vehicle Integration with the Smart Grid
£130.00 (No VAT Payable)
IET Code of Practice for Building Automation and Control Systems
IET Distribution Systems Analysis and Automation, 2nd Edition
£130.00 (No VAT Payable)
IET Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations A Supplement to the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation
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